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Sustainability according to us

The world today is facing a change and we must all take our responsibility to try to move towards a more sustainable future. Yogiraj is a brand where environment and health have been the foundation from the very beginning, which is evident in many ways in our products and manufacturing processes. 

Sustainable development is an expression that is used extensively today and that touches on more aspects than just the environment. In several cases, the three aspects that are discussed is the following: ecological, social and economic sustainability. All aspects need to be considered, which we try to take into account.

At Yogiraj, we are determined that yoga has positive effects on human kind. Therefore, we feel committed and obligated to produce and sell products that help people initiate or improve their yoga practice in order to deepen their relation to yoga. Our social responsibility does not end here. We care for our workers, manufacturers and suppliers and have ourselves visited the producing factories to ensure that there are no child labour and that working conditions are satisfying. We also use toxin-free material to ensure that the working conditions are safe and that the future owner and user of our products does not need to worry about the body absorbing toxins during their yoga practice. In this way we also touch the responsibility towards our environment. The products we use and consume has a major impact on our environment and therefore we want to offer products that are non-toxic, ecological and with long durability. In this way, we want to try to minimize our ecological footprints and leave a planet behind to future generations with green forests and oceans filled with life, which leads us back to our social responsibility. 

Yogiraj takes it inspiration from nature and we want our love and care for the Scandinavian nature to be reflected in our products.